Start cleaning out the closets and the garage to take advantage of the opportunity to participate in the Vina del Mar Island Wide Community Yard Sale. This event is sponsored the VDMIA (your island community association) who will be paying for/placing event advertising in the Tampa Bay Times and other local print publications on the islands behalf.
Then Metropolitan Ministries Donation Truck will be in the Cul-de-Sac at the Vina Park from 11 AM- 2 PM the day of the event. They will collect any of your "gently used" unsold items AND new this year FOOD DONATIONS that are so desperately needed due to the pandemic. Note! - Items brought to the truck need to be bagged or boxed and furniture should be unstained, unbroken, and in "gently used" condition. This is a chance to help those in need and not a trash drop off. Food items should be non-perishable and not need refrigeration. (Canned Meat, Peanut Butter, Boxed Cereal, Rice, Beans, Canned Vegs, Canned Fruit, Soup, Pasta/Pasta Sauce, Gravy Mix, Jelly/Jam, Cranberry Sauce, Boxed Jell-O, Cake Mix, Pudding & Baby Food (Formula /Cereal/Jars).
If you will participating in this event as a seller - please send a quick note to the association so that we know to place a directional sign near your street.